If you have a toddler in your house you know it can sometimes be a challenge to find a craft project for them to do. This is a fun Easter or Spring project for kids of any age, but especially the little ones. All you need are some cotton balls, glue and construction paper. You could also use something heavier like card stock, if you have it. I drew and cutout the bunny shape-you can use any shape, it turns out...toddlers don't really care! If they are older, they can cut out the shape themselves. Put a little white glue on a paper plate, plastic lid or whatever you have, and let them dip the cotton in the glue (you will go through quite a lot of glue, I just kept adding to it, instead of having one big puddle). You can also tear the cotton balls to make them go farther, or better yet, have them tear the cotton. This is a good project for building necessary preschool skills, like hand eye coordination and dexterity. Which helps them later on with reading and writing. Remember, it's not the finished project, it's the process of getting there. In the end it doesn't matter what it looks like, they are having fun and being creative!
~Simply Angie
~Simply Angie