I think I have finally found a recipe for laundry detergent that I really like! I liked the powder detergent but I am really loving the liquid version. I gave some to my family members to try and they really like it too. I have seen a lot of these recipes and they are all pretty similar. I used a combination of The Duggar's Family,
www.duggarfamily.com and one from my March 2012, Country Sampler Magazine. The basic recipe is the same, it's how you get to the finished product that I really wanted to simplify. So hopefully this works for you and you love it too!
Here's what you need:
- a 5 gallon bucket (you can pick them up at lots of places either free or cheap)
- 1 bar of Fels Naptha
- 1 c Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda
- 1 c Borax
- Very Hot Water
I made this batch in my 5 gallon bucket from start to finish. I grated the bar of soap and then heated up about 2 quarts of boiling water and carefully poured into my bucket with the grated soap and stirred until it dissolved. Then fill the bucket about half full of water (doesn't have to be boiling, just warm). Stir in 1 cup Washing Soda and 1 c Borax. Stir well until all the powder is dissolved. Then add enough water to fill up the bucket. You will need to stir with a long handled spoon or..if you have a drill with a mixer attachment, that works too. Stir, cover and let sit overnight. It will gel overnight, then you can either leave it in the bucket or pour it into smaller containers. I used 1/2 gallon and quart jars to store it and then pour into another container and add water and shake well. You can also add essential oils when it has cooled if you want. The Duggar recipe says this makes 10 gallons, when you fill an old laundry dispenser half full with soap then fill the rest with water, shake before each use. I don't dilute mine that much, but you might have to try a couple different mixtures and see what works for you. They recommend using 5/8 c per load for top loader(180 loads) and 1/4 c. for front loader. (640 loads) I just fill mine to the line for a normal load, in my front loader. This is safe for HE machines I have actually had to clean it less since I started making my own laundry detergent, and I always use vinegar in the rinse cycle. See
Cleaning your Front Loader. As always, please leave your questions and/or comments, we love reading them!
~Simply Angie