Lately I've seen chalkboards, memo boards, and magnetic boards so I decided to combine them all in one, and make a magnetic chalkboard. I found 2 new frames at the thrift store, they were already white so all I needed to do was paint the glass. At my local Michael's Craft store, I found Martha Stewart Magnetic Paint...there are probably other brands that make this, but I was so excited when I saw that there was actually Magnetic Paint, that I just bought it (plus I had a coupon, which always helps persuade me!) I also bought my chalkboard paint there too, but I did see a larger, cheaper bottle at Walmart later...so I bought that one too! The whole project was less than $10. I made 2 magnetic chalkboards to hang, plus I still have lots of both paints left for other projects. Check your specific brand for directions, mine said to apply 2-3 coats and let cure for 24 hours, the magnetic paint didn't seem quite as magnetic once I applied the chalkboard paint over it, but overall it still works and I am pretty happy with the results.
Tammi and I celebrated our 1 Year Blogging Anniversary this month!! Thanks to all our readers and viewers for keeping us going!! We hope you are finding some useful tips and ideas! It's been an amazing, fun...and sometimes frustrating, adventure! We are learning a lot and have more ideas, thoughts and recipes to share. If you have other projects, ideas, or things you would like us to try out or blog about, let us know, we love hearing from you!
~Simply Angie